Eli White's New Zealand Journal
Monday, May 2, 2011
Treaty of Waitangi Video
My video with footage from my trip is not done (I haven't even started), and it may not get finished for a few weeks.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here is a map I created (from a base map) of our trip. I put (I think) everywhere we spent the night and other important points of interest. Parts of it are a little messy, and the intercoastal roads might not be perfectly geographically correct, but I think it gets the point across. Click on it to see detail.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Home Sweet Haines
Well, I’m finally back in Haines. We rode the ferry back Friday morning and got to Haines about 1:00. I am very glad to be back. My cat, Cyrus, was very happy to see us.
After going on a hike almost every day and spending so much time outside, we have been trying to do the same here. We have been going out on a hike almost every day. The weather here is remarkably sunny and amazingly warm, up in the 40s (4 C). On a hike we went on today it was so hot in the sun that I was walking around in just a T-shirt.
So this is the end of my blog. In the next week or so I hope to make a map of our trip. I also took a lot of video on our trip that wasn’t practical to but on the blog, so I am hoping to make a short video. Check back in a week or two.
I have another blog, just of normal life here in Haines. Compared to this blog, it is probably going to be pretty boring and I may only update it once or twice a week. The link is: ewsjournal.blogspot.com.
I hope you had fun reading about my trip and I didn’t bore you with the details too much.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Day 47- March 24th, 2010
The next day we did a lot of shopping. The ferry didn’t leave till Friday morning, so we were stuck in Juneau for two nights. Since it was spring break, we met a lot of people from Haines who were also shopping. We mostly bought household supplies or clothes, which can be somewhat limited in Haines. Sheeshao met a couple of friends of hers from Haines at the store and instantly started playing.
Later we went with one of Sheeshao’s friends out to the Mendenhall Glacier, which is just a few minutes out of town. We went on a short little hike out to see it. It was surprisingly warm. There was snow near the glacier, but around the rest of town there was next to nothing. I was expecting it to be somewhat wintery, but it felt more like spring. I am sort of sad that I missed half of the winter here, but I guess New Zealand was worth it.
Later that night we met some friends of ours from when we used to live in Juneau. We went out to a Mexican restaurant with them and had fun talking about our trip.