Monday, March 28, 2011

Home Sweet Haines

Well, I’m finally back in Haines. We rode the ferry back Friday morning and got to Haines about 1:00. I am very glad to be back. My cat, Cyrus, was very happy to see us.

After going on a hike almost every day and spending so much time outside, we have been trying to do the same here. We have been going out on a hike almost every day. The weather here is remarkably sunny and amazingly warm, up in the 40s (4 C). On a hike we went on today it was so hot in the sun that I was walking around in just a T-shirt.

So this is the end of my blog. In the next week or so I hope to make a map of our trip. I also took a lot of video on our trip that wasn’t practical to but on the blog, so I am hoping to make a short video. Check back in a week or two.

I have another blog, just of normal life here in Haines. Compared to this blog, it is probably going to be pretty boring and I may only update it once or twice a week. The link is:

I hope you had fun reading about my trip and I didn’t bore you with the details too much.

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