Day 6- February 11, 2011
Note: All of the pictures were taken by my dad or Uncle. My camera was sort of bulky to take on rides, so I left it at home.
Today it was time for Disneyland. We got up at six and got to the front gate at 8:15. We had a half hour wait, then were able to rush in. The first ride we went to was Buzz Lightyear. We got in little spinning cars that just moved along a flat track. There were two ray guns in each car, which you shot a little targets with a Z in the middle; Z for Zurg. The guns had little lasers pointers, and each target flashed when you hit it. This was one of Sheeshao’s favorite rides, and she probably would have ridden it all day if we had let her.
Next we went to the Matterhorn ride, which goes through a miniature model of the Matterhorn Mountain in Switzerland. My dad remembered the ride from when he was a kid, and thought it wouldn’t be too scary for Sheeshao. She didn’t believe him, but we made her go on it anyway. The cars were bobsleds, each with two seats. The seats would fit two people, so I sat in-front by myself, while they sat together in the back. The ride started out by going up a very steep hill in complete darkness. The combination of blackness and the anticipation of the other side of the hill made my sister cry and scream. At the top it didn’t go straight down, but went very fast around corners, and it was too scary for Sheeshao. By the end she was sobbing hysterically. After that we had to go on A Small World to calm her down. After that she didn’t want to go on any rides that might have a tiny bit of scariness. She didn’t want to go on Big Thunder Mountain because it had to word “mountain” in it, or “Pirates of the Caribbean” because it had the word “pirates” in it.
Tom Sawyers Island
Finally we decided to go to Tom Sawyer’s Island. We took the raft over and walked around and explored. Of course, Sheeshao wouldn’t go into any of the little dark caves, but I think she still had fun. After the island, we walked over to Adventure Land to go on the Indiana Jones ride. They told us that Sheeshao could wait at the exit for us so we could go on it without her. We had fun on the ride, even though it was scary. There were some cool effects, like a smokescreen with an image projected on it.

Big Thunder Mountain
After this we met my Uncle Paul at the Disney castle. He had driven down from San Jose to meet us. We had anticipated that Sheeshao wouldn’t want to go on a lot of rides, so it helped to have a helper. He went to lunch with Sheeshao while my dad and I went on Pirates of the Caribbean. Then I went on Big Thunder Mountain with him, while my dad and Sheeshao watched. Then my dad and I went on it while Paul and Sheeshao watched.
Next my dad and Sheeshao went to the petting zoo. Paul and I went to the Haunted Mansion. To start out you walk into a large circular room with paintings at the top. The doors of the room turn out to be elevator doors, and they close. Then the top of the room starts to stretch. All of the pictures stretch and the wall gets taller. Then the light goes out. When it comes back on, the room is larger and the wooden wall decorations have also grown. We walk out and walk along a hallway with pictures that follow you with their eyes, and pictures the flash and become skeletons, then go back to normal.
We got into a “doom buggy” and travel through the house, seeing ghosts, holograms, and other spooky things. Although it was dark, I think Sheeshao would have liked it, if she had given it a chance. My uncle, who is an electronics wizard, recommended that I make something like that next Halloween.
My dad and sister were waiting for another ride, so I rode with Paul on Mr. Toads Wild Ride. We then met up with my dad and sister and watched the Star Wars training show. Some random little kids were picked out of the audience, dressed up, given light sabers, and had to fight Darth Vader. The kids were so little that they mostly just swung the light saber around, and I think Darth Vader went easy on them. It was funny to watch though.
An ABC sponsored game show
After this, we went to the Innoventions center. This was a sort of technology show, implementing technology in cool ways. First there was an ABC game show, which just asked questions about ABC shows. I played, but since I don’t have TV, I didn’t do very well. Next we went into “The House of the Future. All of the coffee tables were made out of touchscreens, the climate was controlled by touch panel, all of the picture frames were digital, there was fingerprint access, a programmable piano, a large reverse projecting TV, and more. One of the coolest things was the Microsoft Surface. It is a coffee table style touch screen that you can set stuff on. If you set a compatible phone or camera on it and shake it, all of the pictures from the phones will appear in a circle around the phone.
After the house of the future, we went upstairs, where there were a bunch of videogames. There was also a robot show. They had a robot, called the Asimo, which is very human like. It can run, walk, go up and down stairs, balance, talk, take commands, recognize people, and much more. It was developed by Honda. See more here.
After the house of the future, we went upstairs, where there were a bunch of videogames. There was also a robot show. They had a robot, called the Asimo, which is very human like. It can run, walk, go up and down stairs, balance, talk, take commands, recognize people, and much more. It was developed by Honda. See more here.
After the house of the future, we had some snacks and went to Autopia. This is a ride with cars that you can drive. It is within a certain track, but you can control the speed and steer a little. We did this twice. After that, we did the buzz lightyear ride again. Paul and I went on the Astro orbiter next. It is a just a rocket ride, where you get in the rockets and go around up in the air. While waiting in line for twenty minutes, we timed the ride. It turns out to be a 1.5 minute ride. It was also about 10 revolutions per minute, so you get to go around about 15 times.After that we went on the Jungle Cruise, where you get in a boat and go around looking at animatronic animals and natives. The boat driver makes lots of bad puns and jokes, which was most of the fun of the trip. Sheeshao wanted to do it again, but it was getting late. We walked over to the train, but found out it was closed for a fireworks display.
We decided to watch the fireworks. While waiting, we tried out the old west shooting gallery. I don’t think I should (or would want to) become a sharpshooter. Next were the fireworks. They were very amazing. They were shot off at different locations, and some of them looked like they were shot off just twenty or thirty feet away. A lot of them were very bright and lit up the whole park. I think pictures would show better than I can describe, so here is a slide show.
After the fireworks, Sheeshao went in a store to shop. I walked over by the lake, where there was a lightshow. They had smoke over the lake with a movie clip projected on it. Afterwards the sailing ship went past, with the characters of Peter Pan reenacting the last scene. Then some ships with lights on them went past, but I couldn't see what was on them. Finally we walked over, caught the train, and got back to the car and got home. It was about 11:00 when we got home.
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